12773 Medfield Dr, Houston, Texas

"And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." Hebrews 13:16 Mother's Help Foundation is the outreach arm of the ministry. We have touched and continue to impact the lives of many mothers, children, families and the homeless. Through our diverse programs, we have

  • Visited nursing mothers at the hospital to pray for them and offer gifts of diapers, wipes and baby items.
  • Visited children in orphanages in Cameroon, Kenya,& Nigeria to encourage them with the word and offer them food and other essential items.
  • Visited school children in the rural areas of Nigeria to empower them with free books and pens.We have supported refugees.
  • Received and helped helpless mothers who walk into our office in need of diapers, wipes.
  • Given out care packages & financial support to the homeless to empower them and strengthen their faith.